
Commitment to the SDGs


Taitsu’s business activities include

  • Always strive to protect the global environment
  • To create a work environment in which employees can maximize their potential
  • To improve the skills of each employee

We will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by.

Always strive to protect the global environment


Main roles of environmental protection in each department

Product Development Division
Chemical substance management, development of environmentally compatible products
Production Activities Division
Emissions control, recycling
Purchasing Department
Green Procurement
Sales Division
Energy and resource conservation, waste reduction
Compliance with Environmental Laws and Regulations

Kawasaki SDGs Gold Partner

The Kawasaki SDGs Partner Program is a program in which the City of Kawasaki certifies companies and organizations that are working toward the achievement of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).
There are two stages: registration, in which a company or organization declares its intention to work toward achieving the SDGs, and certification, in which a company or organization self-evaluates its efforts toward the SDGs and sets targets for the future. Certified companies and organizations are called “Kawasaki SDGs Gold Partners.

On February 17, 2022, we were certified as a Kawasaki SDGs Gold Partner, and together with the City of Kawasaki, we will promote the SDGs and realize a sustainable society where “no one is left behind”.


To create a work environment in which employees can maximize their potential


In-house training on harassment is periodically conducted separately for each position.
Furthermore, an internal and external consultation service has been established and detailed regulations are in place.

To improve the skills of each employee


We provide career development support through subsidies for qualification acquisition, and skill improvement support through participation in various workshops and training sessions, as well as semiannual departmental reviews of training participation rates and qualification acquisition rates.

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

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